A downloadable Student Project

"Congratulations, you have just been hired as Humanitarian Well-Being Coordinator at the prestigious company, SCAM!

Every day, complete the tasks assigned to you, even though they are becoming fewer and often trivial. The real challenge of this position? Not falling into a deep monotony...

Explore the local area in search of any activity that will help pass the time more quickly.

Are you ready to make boredom your best ally in order to contribute to the well-being of society?

SCAM counts on you!"

Game mechanic: sorting mail

Game mechanic: sorting mail

The intention of this game:  Raise awareness of the psychological disorder of bore-out, and its often misunderstood and stigmatized symptoms.  Boredom can have serious health consequences, leading to depression in some cases.

Game mechanic: writing an e-mail

Game mechanic: writing an e-mail

Rational Game Design document of my game Bore-Out inspired by a personal experience

School project produced in October 2024, as part of Claire Siegel's rational game design course (licence professionnelle métiers du jeu vidéo).


You can directly read it here on Canva.


Bore Out_RGD.pdf 74 MB

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